Did you make some New Year’s resolutions? Lose some weight. Exercise more. Make progress on your Antioch School program.
Seriously, this is a perfect time to think about your training plan for 2017. Perhaps you can consider how to make progress in each aspect of your degree program.
For instance:
- What is the next step in your SIMA MAP Response?
- Have you written and submitted your stories?
- Have you had your interview?
- Have you prepared a response?
Make your next step part of your plan for 2017. Don’t just make it a general goal. Identify a specific time when you are going to focus on it.
Personal Development
Or maybe you should focus on your Personal Development Plan. After all, it is the perfect tool to help you think about the other parts of your Antioch School program (and more).
- Use the PDA forms as a point of reference
- Report about meetings with mentors
For many, earning credit for the Personal Development Assessments requirement is really just a matter of posting a simple report about your mentor’s use of the PDA forms as a point of reference. Perhaps you can start 2017 with earning credit for reporting about meetings with mentors in late 2016.
“Make your next step part of your plan for 2017. Don’t just make it a general goal. Identify a specific time when you are going to focus on it.”
Leadership Series Courses
- Have you uploaded your work on BILD Cloud?
- Visit the Help Center for competency tips
As you prepare to start a new Leadership Series course, try to make sure that you have produced a body of work that demonstrates each of the competencies associated with the course you most recently finished. Even if you didn’t complete all the projects to your satisfaction, focus now on the competencies and criteria in the BILD Cloud rubrics.
Ministry Practicum
- Identify some area of ministry to grow in
- Utilize the template and example in the Practicum Guide
Similarly, as you begin 2017, identify some area of ministry that you can use as a Ministry Practicum. Use the template and example in the Practicum Guide to help you set goals and prepare to make a ministry experience into a fulfillment of the Ministry Practicum requirement.
It is unusual for students to achieve more than they plan in a year. Don’t make unreasonable plans, but do take some time this early January to make some plans for how you can make progress in each area of your Antioch School program.