“An incredible opportunity to fellowship with apostolic leaders from around the world and church leaders from North America.”
Where else in the world can you sit and pray with the bishop of an entire Indian denomination… have coffee with the training director of an African church network of 80,000 churches… have lunch with a pastor from New England who is training the next generation of leaders for his church… have tea with the director of a mission planting churches in tens of thousands of Indian villages… and go out for dinner with a pastor from Ohio who has traveled the world to support leaders like these? Ames, Iowa! Where else?
On October 28 to November 4, 2016, leaders like these gather in Ames, Iowa for the annual BILD Conference.
All are committed to church-based theological education, not just because it is a practical way for their leaders to be trained, but because it accelerates church planting movements in a manner that is well aligned with the way of Christ and His apostles.
All are committed to the global mission of engaging in the Great Commission according the Pauline strategy that includes evangelism, church planting, and church strengthening, particularly through the training of leaders to equip the saints for ministry.
All are committed to the priority of indigenous apostolic leaders who “pass on the deposit” to “Timothy’s” to pass on to “faithful men” to “teach others” through a vital interplay of sodal and modal leaders.
This year’s conference, perhaps more than ever before, will be a tremendous time of equipping and vision-casting. Jeff Reed’s plenary on Thursday evening, November 3rd will be on “Doing Theology in Culture.” Various workshops throughout the conference will provide training on using BILD Cloud, creating artifacts and doing portfolio assessment (for Leadership Series courses, Ministry Practicum, Life and Ministry Development), teaching First Principles, teaching Leadership Series courses, leading Socratic discussions, and having discipline in Antioch School programs.
And, of course, you have the incredible opportunity to fellowship with apostolic leaders from around the world and church leaders from North America.
Where else in the world can you do all this? Nowhere but Ames, Iowa